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دي جي ميستيريو آريف

دي جي ميستيريو آريف

الفعاليات القادمة
حفلة ريتز كارلتون البيضاء في الهواء الطلق
20.00 BHD
الخميس 03 ابريل

Indulge in the pinnacle of opulence as The Ritz-Carlton, Bahrain, collaborates with PlayList Entertainment Bahrain to unveil the unforgettable Open-Air White Party soirée. Immerse yourself in a world of glamour and sophistication, surrounded by the island's crème de la crème, as you revel in the finest music and entertainment. The Ritz-Carlton's open-air White Party stage, boasting a breathtaking seafront, assures you an unparalleled and luxurious white party experience. Featuring: DJ Mysterioo Arif - DJ Detour - DJ Katrin Love - DJ Kumru - DJ Asia Opening set by Playlist Jazz Band Adel Guitarist, Adriana Vocalist, Yacel Percussionist Saxophonist Lauren Shows: Ridan Acrobat & Brazilian show, Led Dancers, Roaming mirror dancers, flame craft fireshow, stilt walker, roaming magicians, Bellydancer show & more Dress code: White/Glamorous, dress to impress Limited Presale Tickets available exclusively on Platinumlist For Table Reservations call/WhatsApp: +973 37777845

حفل ماقبل السباق على الشاطئ في فندق ومنتجع ذا آرت جزر أمواج
10.00 BHD
الجمعة 11 ابريل

فندق ومنتجع ذا آرت بالتعاون مع بلاي ليست إنتيرتايمنت يقدم لكم أضخم وأروع حفل هايبرد على الشاطئ والمسبح قبل السباق! استعدوا ليوم مليء بالإيقاعات الحماسية والطاقة العالية، حيث الموسيقى والمرح يلتقيان بأجواء لا تُنسى! استمتعوا بالاحتفال بين نخبة الحضور على الجزيرة في تجربة استثنائية لا تفوّت!

Founder of BUMM - Bahrain Underground Music Movement record label. Bahrain’s most wanted DJ Mysterioo Arif is a relatively new musical incarnation of a Bahraini DJ and producer with years of experience. He began his musical career back in 2005. Mysterioo Arif has been digesting many musical genres over the years, and eventually found his niche love for disco house always stronger, always deeper.

What’s most remarkable is how a character with such an unknown background managed to emerge from the shadows in late 2011 starting with playing just for friends at private parties, and then suddenly, barely over a year later, Mysterioo was lined up in some of the top clubs around the Gulf States.

Mysterioo is known to have an energetic, charismatic presence in the DJ booth creating a direct connection with everyone on the dance floor. Despite his fast success, Mysterioo remains the same compassionate man, still as devoted to music as when he received his first pair of decks and a mixer at the age of 16. He has also been and always keeping on promoting the Bahrain underground house music scene and one of the leading promoters of the social and nightlife in Bahrain!

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