Morissette Amon

Morissette Amon

Filipino singer Morissette is one of the top artists in the Philippines today. Through her 2015 debut album, Morissette has won numerous awards for her work and has become a star on the Filipino pop music scene.

Born into a musical family in Cebu City, Morissette started singing at a very young age, entering competitions in her home town and even making it to the finals of the Little Big Star Cebu competition when she was just 9 years old. She made the move to Manila and became a finalist in Star Factor and was destined for the very top.

Following her casting in Camp Rock: The Musical as the lead role she joined ABS-CBN’s The Voice of the Philippines making it all the way to the semi-finals. Morissette then made recurring appearances on the TV show ASAP as well as It’s Showtime. She then made several TV performances and opened for Jessie J at her Manila concert in 2014.

In 2015, she released her debut self-titled album on Star Records. The album was well received and saw Morissette earn praise from fans and critics alike. She was subsequently nominated for numerous awards, picking up the gongs for New Female Recording Artist of the Year at the PMPC Star Awards for Music, Female Artist of the Year at the MOY Pinoy Music Awards and Wish Female Artist of the Year in the 2017 Wish 107.5FM Music Awards.

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