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Zoro is a Nigerian indigenous rapper with a lot to offer. He can deliver his flow and music in Igbo language. What's even more interesting is he always spices it up with bits of pidgin. This means that non-igbo speakers can understand him peripherally.

Zoro Swagbag has worked with a lot of big names in the Nigerian music industry. The list of features includes upcoming acts like Rydda, Hcien, Lord Cornel, Falz the Bad guy, Kool P and Skip.

He’s also worked with veterans like Awilo Longomba, Slow Dog and Flavour.

After he released the first version of “Ogene” featuring Flavour; he went on to do a remix which had Lil Kesh, Ycee and Flavour on it. As usual, they all did an excellent job on the song and it was well received by fans across Nigeria. Most of Zoro Swagbag’s songs are produced by KezyKlef, a top Nigerian music producer based in Enugu.

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عملية شراء آمنة
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