The Best Ticketing Affiliate Program of The Gulf Region

Join and get access to the region’s widest collection of events in sports, music, business, nightlife, as well as attractions, theme parks and excursions.

Ticket sales platform trusted by clients worldwide

Why partners choose us

Up to 10% commission
Earn up to 10% commission for every customer purchase you referred.
All in one place!
The biggest inventory of events and attractions. Over 1000 experiences annually.
Special offers
All the tools to sell more are ready to use. Promo codes and discounts up to 25% for your users.
Multilingual website
Take advantage of your opportunity to get non-competition traffic with bi-lingual websites.
60 days lifetime cookies
Plenty of time in which your referred sales will be attributed to you.
Personal manager
A dedicated success manager will assist you to solve any issue promptly.
Easy to start
Register as an affiliate in our program
Simply add a special link to your blog or other resource
Your audience clicks on this links and buys tickets
You get commissions monthly
Platinumlist is the market leader in MENA region and has a diversifying offering that includes concerts, as well as sport and other attractions.
– International Ticketing Yearbook - page 68 about UAE
Personal manager
Real-time statistics
Monthly payout
Easy-to-use promo

Top attractions in the UAE

Access to an inventory of the best-loved UAE attractions, sport, business and entertainment experiences.

Let’s get you started!
Register now
Join the affiliate program right now by a simple registration process.
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Contact us if you still have questions. Our team will assist you shortly.