إلهام المدفعي

إلهام المدفعي

Ilham’s musical talent began to seriously develop at his young age of twelve.
He started, and still is, a guitarist at heart. His musical career formally started when he formed his first musical band (Twisters) in the sixties.

They were the first band in Iraq, and probably the Arab world, that used "modern" instruments in playing Arabic music (Guitar,Drums,Bass &Piano). Ilham pioneered Arabic-world music crossover. He was the first to modernize traditional and folklore Arabic songs, giving a new wider appeal and new freshness, placing it squarely in the modern era.

Although the Twisters created a new wave in Arabic music, the media criticized Ilham heavily for being an eccentric and for modifying the long maintained musical traditions. 

Ilham has played a significant and major role in the development of Arabic rich musical heritage through his unique continuous new arrangements of classic Arabic songs. He has conserved the Arabic folklore music for present and future generations.
ما الذي يميز منصة بلاتينوم لِست عن غيرها؟
عملية شراء آمنة
عملية شراء آمنة
دفع سريع وآمن
تأكيد فوري
تأكيد فوري
خدمة ضمان استرجاع اختيارية
الموقع الرسمي لبيع التذاكر
الموقع الرسمي لبيع التذاكر
أكثر من 10 مليون مستخدم
خدمة العملاء على مدار الساعة
خدمة العملاء على مدار الساعة
فريق دعم مخصص لخدمة العملاء وإدارة البيع