Get Free Tickets To Attractions

In exchange for being featured on your Instagram, Tik-Tok, Facebook or YouTube, Platinumlist gives tickets for experiences of your choice.

How It Works

Submit an application
Receive link and promo materials
Make a post
Receive tickets

How You Can Use These Free Tickets

Visit it yourself
You can redeem the tickets by visiting the attraction yourself.
Giveaway them
You can gift tickets as a giveaway for your followers.
Share with friends
You can share the tickets as presents with your friends and family.

Minimum Requirements To Redeem Free Tickets

5k+ followers - post and "buy tickets" link in bio for 2+ days or 20k+ followers, post link to attraction tickets in stories.
10,000+ followers - Publish a video with a link to buy tickets in your bio.
5,000+ followers - Publish a post with a description of the attraction with a link to buy tickets.
5,000+ followers - Publish a video with a link to buy tickets in the description.

Submit Application

I want tickets!
Please fill out the form using the button and we will contact you promptly.
Chat with us
Contact us if you still have questions. Our team will assist you shortly.
Platinumlist is the market leader in MENA region and has a diversifying offering that includes concerts, as well as sport and other attractions.
– International Ticketing Yearbook - page 68 about UAE