Jim Gaffigan

Jim Gaffigan

Jim Gaffigan is an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, and producer. He was raised in Chesterton, Indiana.

His material is often about fatherhood, observations, laziness, and food. He is also regarded as a "clean" comic, using little profanity in his routines. He has had several successful comedy specials, including Mr. Universe, Obsessed, Cinco, and Quality Time, all of which have received Grammy nominations.

His memoir, Dad Is Fat (2013) and his most recent book, Food: A Love Story (2014), are both published by Crown Publishers.

He co-created and starred in a TV Land television series based on his life called The Jim Gaffigan Show. He collaborates extensively with his wife, actress Jeannie Gaffigan, and together they have five children. They are Catholic, a topic that frequently comes up in his comedy shows, and he and his family currently live in Manhattan, New York City.

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