

Upcoming Events
95.00 AED
09 Dec–17 May

Mind2Mind: Connected is an extraordinary and exhilarating showcase of mentalism and mind-reading like no other! They are a sensational duo of James Harrington and Marina Liani, renowned for their spellbinding performances on prestigious talent shows such as America's Got Talent, Britain’s Got Talent, and Ukraine's Got Talent, where their awe-inspiring act earned them the coveted Golden Buzzer. Witnessing their mind-boggling abilities, even Simon Cowell himself acclaimed their act as ""mind-blowing,"" leaving no doubt that you will be equally amazed. In this mesmerizing 75-minute spectacle, prepare to be astonished as you embark on a profound journey of connection and interaction. With never-before-seen elements and an extraordinary knack for delving into your thoughts and emotions, James and Marina will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire performance. Mind2Mind: Connected is suitable for audiences aged 12 and above, making it an ideal choice for enthusiasts of mentalism, mind-reading, and spine-tingling thrills.

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