Swati Sachdeva

Swati Sachdeva

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Humour Clinic ft. Swati Sachdeva Comedy in Dubai
85.00 AED
Sun 12 May

Humour Clinic ft. Swati Sachdeva Comedy in Dubai Mark your calendars for May 12, 2024, as Swati Sachdeva, the popular Indian comedian, and content creator, takes the stage for her debut performance in the UAE at the Emirates Theatre in Jumeirah. With a successful UK tour under her belt and a substantial fan base, Swati, known not only for her comedy but also as a prominent social media personality and prolific writer, promises an evening of laughter that is both humorous and incisive. Join us as she humorously reflects on life choices, questionable decision-making, and encounters with various characters, ensuring an unforgettable experience for all who attend!

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