Big Show

Big Show

American wrestler the Big Show is one of the most easily recognizable names in world wrestling. Known for his stature, standing at 7ft tall, the Big Show has established himself as one of the top names in competitive wrestling having added numerous titles to his resume including the WWE World Heavyweight Championship twice and eleven World Tag Team Championships.

The Big Show’s career as a professional wrestler began in 1995 when he signed to WCW. His debut match saw him defeat veteran wrestler Hulk Hogan, catapulting him onto the world stage. Subsequent matches saw him fight Randy Savage and Ric Flair, leading him to his first WCW World Heavyweight title as well as being named the Wrestler of the Year by Pro Wrestling Illustrated.

Under WWF the Big Show had further success, winning the WWF Tag Team Championship twice alongside The Undertaker. The Big Show continued to face off against many of the industry’s top names including The Rock and John Cena. The wrestler continued to add to his trophy haul, winning the WWE Tag Team Championship three times alongside Chris Jericho, The Miz and Kane as well as the World Heavyweight Championship twice in 2011 and 2012.

Widely praised for his ‘larger-than-life’ character and strong man appearances, the Big Show has toured the world with the WWE and has firmly established himself as one of the greatest wrestlers of his generation, having fought against veterans and leading figures in wrestling for over 25 years.

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