Jon Santos

Jon Santos

Jon Santos is a Filipino stand-up comedian, impersonator, actor, talk show host and singer.
For over 20 years, Jon is usually dressed up in costumes, prosthetic and make-up, famous for portraying spoofs of prominent local celebrities such as Vilma Santos, Mommy Dionisia Pacquiao, Armida Siguion-Reyna and even political figures ex-Presidents PNoy, and Erap Estrada, the late Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago and the list goes on. Apart from impersonation, Jon has also starred in the self-titled The Jon Santos Show.

Combining his stand-up comedy and theatrical skills, Jon has landed leading roles in several theatre titles such as HuGot your VOTE! WTF: Wala Talagang Forever (Sa Malacañang), Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert, Bituing Walang Ningning and Jon Santos: In.PERSON.Nation

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