f(x) (에프엑스)

f(x) (에프엑스)

f(x) (Hangul: 에프엑스) is a South Korean girl group formed by S.M. Entertainment in 2009. Since their debut, f(x) has released four full-length albums, two extended plays, and one repackaged album. The group is currently composed of four members: Victoria, Luna, Amber, and Krystal. It was originally a five-piece group (with Sulli, who later departed from the group in August 2015).

f(x) has been recognised for their experimental style and eclectic, electropop-based sound.[1] They are one of the few recognized K-pop groups internationally,[2] becoming the first K-pop act to perform at SXSW.[3] Their acclaimed second album, Pink Tape, was the only K-pop album on US music channel Fuse's '41 Best Albums of 2013'

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