Bjorn Again

Bjorn Again

Björn Again is a parody of the Swedish pop group ABBA founded in 1988 in Australia, but now involving multiple touring troupes performing under the Björn Again name. The show takes its name from Björn Ulvaeus, a member of ABBA, and a pun on the phrase "born again".

Björn Again is run as a light-hearted parody of ABBA,[4] with the use of pidgin Swedish (or 'Swenglish') and stage character names of Agnetha Falstart, Benny Anderwear, Frida Longstokin, and Björn Volvo-us reflecting the names of the original members of ABBA.Björn Again also has a bass guitarist Rutger Sonofagunn and the drummer Ola Drumkitt (from long-time ABBA session musicians Rutger Gunnarsson and Ola Brunkert).

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