Irina Chesnokov

Irina Chesnokov

Actress, TV presenter and comedian Irina Chesnokov has rapidly established herself as one of the most talented acts in Russia. Her career began at a young age following encouragement from her parents to take up performing. She joined the Academy of Arts at Voronezh to study acting but soon shifted her focus to radio presenting.

It was from her artistic background that Chesnokov joined up with the local KVN team, but her career really began to take shape when she joined the St. Petersburg team in 2010. The team gained promotion in their first year to the top league of KVN and with Chesnokov’s assistance, they went on to beat the tournament favourites, reaching the final in the process.

Following the end of Chesnokov’s KVN career, she moved to Moscow and became the co-host of the TNT morning show, whilst also starring in the new TV show ‘Only in Russia’ in 2014. Known for her beauty, Chesnokov found that she could impress audiences through her authentic and realistic acting and her ability to place jokes subtly into the sketches.

Despite being younger than many of her fellow cast members, Chesnokov has proven time and time again that her talent is no mere feat. Her early exposure to acting and experience amongst the KVN teams has shown that Chesnokov is clearly one of the most exciting prospects in Russian comedy today.

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