While we all recover from the National Day long weekend, we’ve got some good news – The next long weekend in the UAE is less than a month away!

New Year’s Day, which is January 1st, 2024, falls on a Monday, which means it’s a public holiday. Combine that with the weekend, and bam – you’ve got another long weekend to enjoy.

Imagine wrapping up the New Year’s Eve countdown and realizing you’ve got an extra day off to keep the celebration going. Well, that’s exactly what’s happening! With the holiday falling on a Monday, you’ve got a three-day weekend to plan something special.

Whether you’re thinking of a quick escape, a lazy staycation, or just chilling with friends and family, this long weekend is your ticket to recharge before jumping back into the routine. It’s like a bonus day to make the start of the year even more awesome.

Whether you’re a party person or prefer a quiet time for yourself, this long weekend is for everyone. Fire up the grill, play some tunes, or chill at home – make it your kind of celebration.

So, mark January 1st on your calendar, plan your mini adventure or relaxation day, and get ready to kick off the New Year with an extra day to enjoy.

Meanwhile, plan your 2024 holidays by checking out the list of public holidays in UAE for 2024.