

Whilst blues-rock might have taken a back seat elsewhere, bluShaman, the latest his band in the UAE, are bringing it to the main stage with their unique blend of souful rock, classic blues and contemporary sounds.

Led by singer and guitarist Sharif Maghraby, the band has developed a gritty and soulful sound that has seen them earn praise on their travels and at their performances across the UAE.

Maghraby, originally from Egypt, came to the UAE to develop a career in coaching and personal development, but his life took on a new path when he founded the band Dahab, one of the top acts in the fledgling UAE music scene. When he met Gabriel Matute and Ashraf Helmi, bluShaman was formed and the band have gone from strength to strength ever since.

Originally the band covered revered artists such as Eric Clapton, BB King and Jimi Hendrix, the trio has begun to branched out into newer, original material and is set to launch their debut album ‘Release’ soon

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