Imah Dumagay

Imah Dumagay

Upcoming Events
Phunny Filipinos at Jazz Bar, Radisson Blu, Corniche, Abu Dhabi
95.00 AED
Sat 25 May

Phunny Filipinos at Jazz Bar, Radisson Blu, Corniche, Abu Dhabi The Phunny Filipino trio are coming to Abu Dhabi! Enjoy a hilarious night of pinoy-tainment as Imah Dumagay, Ahmed Kasid and Joshua- John Dias take the stage to make you laugh!

The Laughter Factory Premium Comedy Club in Dubai
160.00 AED
21 Jun–29 Jun

This month’s Laughter Factory, a hilarious call to arms, will be going into battle and waging war against boredom. Leading the charge, double award-winning Time Out Comedian of the Year, Paul Tonkinson has long upheld his esteemed reputation as one of the finest stand-ups the UK has to offer. Back by popular demand, Pierre Hollins, should be… made the mayor of a small village according to SHANGHAI CITY WEEKEND. This hugely likeable cheekie chappie and unlikely rock god never fails to whip the crowd into a state of euphoria. Finally, Imah, an award-winning stand-up comedian with four full length solo comedy shows under her belt, she’s proven to be a crowd pleaser time and time again. Come and see this spectacularly funny show. Also join us at the afterparty to mingle with fellow comedy fans and the acts.

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