Eric Vloeimans

Eric Vloeimans

Dutch musician Eric Vloeimans has established himself as one of the leading jazz artists in his country. Having honed his craft throughout his almost three-decade long career, he has performed all over the world to thousands of fans of the genre.

Having studied classical music at the Rotterdam Academy of Music, Vloeimans found a passion for jazz music before graduating with distinction in 1988. He studied alongside trumpeter Donald Byrd and played with Frank Foster and Mercer Ellington’s big bands before making a more permanent move over to jazz.

Vloeimans continued to record music and collaborate with many of jazz music’s top artists including Joey Baron, John Taylor and Nguyên Lê. His 1998 album, ‘Bitches And Fairy Tales’, was awarded an Edison Award, an award that he again received for his two recent albums ‘Summersault’ and ‘Gatecrashin’.

2003 saw Vloeimans become a recipient of the prestigious VPRO/Boy Edgar Award for his contributions to jazz music. He also made more mainstream waves when he collaborated with fellow Dutch musician and DJ, Armin van Buuren, on his sixth album, ‘Embrace’.

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