Zaur Baytsaev

Zaur Baytsaev

Russian actor and comedian Zaur Baytsaev is one of the countries most revered comedians. Born at the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains in Vladikavkaz, Baytsaev he had interests in sports, fighting and writing jokes at a young age.

After studying Sociology and Psychology in university Baytsaev shared some of his jokes with a classmate who was a member of the local team that competed in the Russian comedy game show KVN. Baytsaev’s friend enjoyed his work so much that he invited him to join the KVN team.

He enjoyed a number of successful years with the KVN team and has been described as the ‘heart and soul’ of the team, his only flaw being that he couldn’t sing.

Shortly after, Baytsaev made the move away from KVN and starred in the TV show ‘The Kitchen’ for 3 seasons. In 2014 the comedian joined the ‘Only in Russia’ sketch comedy troupe and has gone on to tour the world with several other former KVN stars.

He has also stuck to his roots and is an editor on the current KVN show.

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