Igor Lastochkeen

Igor Lastochkeen

Born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Igor Lastochkeen has gone from humble beginnings to the top of the Russian comedy scene. A highly experienced and respected actor and comedian, Lastochkeen has established himself as one of the top talents on the circuit.

Originally set on a career in the oil industry, Lastochkeen made the move to comedy by joining up with a team in the hugely popular comedy game show KVN in 2008. From his early beginnings on stage, he rapidly moved up in his team rankings and was finally asked to become the team captain.

Under Lastochkeen’s leadership, his KVN team won many games and reached the quarter finals in 2008. Despite working with a small budget and few resources Lastochkeen managed to put together a strong team, before he moved away from KVN to seek new opportunities.

Lastochkeen’s career took him to Moscow where, despite a fleeting stand-up career, he eventually joined up with the latest sketch show ‘Only in Russia’ in 2014. Since then, Lastochkeen has performed across the globe with the troupe, bringing satire, observational and character sketches with him.

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