Rannie Raymundo

Rannie Raymundo

Ask any Filipino about the late 80’s classic “Why Can’t It Be?” and you will likely notice her heart skip a beat. Such is the effect crooner Rannie Raymundo from the Philippines had on his fans far and near, even a good 3 decades later! Raymundo is a singer-songwriter with scores of tracks under his belt, which includes songs that he has written for himself as well as for other singers and has been recognized a number of times by the Awit Awards for his contribution. Heartthrob Raymundo is also known for his mastery over several musical instruments and if that was not enough, another hidden talent outside of the music scene was discovered recently whereby he came to be known as a well-respected magician!

When Raymundo is not busy writing songs, or performing magic tricks on tour, he ensures he is part of charity events or fundraising benefit shows for the wellbeing and cure of ill-gotten patients or those suffering from major calamities. He very often partners with his buddies from “OPM Hitmen” to bring the roof down for many of these events and is almost always a sold-out show.

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