Renz Verano

Renz Verano

Formally known as Roger Lorenzo Verano Mendoza, Renz Verano is one of the Philippine’s most loved balladeers. Having begun his career in 1995, Verano released his first album, that contained his renditions of popular English ballads, however adapted with lyrics in Tagalog. With the nation’s love for international music, needless to say this album was well received, gaining Platinum status in sales. It was the album that followed, “Para Sa’yo”, that showcased his original songs which included the classic ‘Remember Me’ setting even higher sales for the album and going 5 times Platinum. In addition to the Platinum status that was awarded to Verano’s albums that followed, he too was a recipient of a number of awards, e.g. the Awit Awards, from the start of his career and even until this day.

Alongside the records and albums he has released, Verano often partners with his buddies from “OPM Hitmen” to bring the roof down for many events.

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