Richard Reynoso

Richard Reynoso

Richard Reynoso is a well-known singer, movie and television actor and businessman from the Philippines, who was exceptionally popular and revered from the early 1980s. With over 9 albums, several movie and TV appearances and a number of awards to his credit, Reynoso had always been a household name at the time. His biggest hits to this day continue to be “Hindi Ko Kaya” and “Paminsan-minsan”.

From amongst some of his honorable mentions are definitely his guest performance for the 1988 Binibining Pilipinas 1998 Beauty Pageant, as well as him being the opening act for Tiffany and The Jets’ gigs in the Philippines in 1989. Dubbed as “The Philippines’ Original Prince of Ballad”, Reynoso enjoyed performing around the world to thousands of fans, Filipino and non-Filipino alike never missing a single concert.

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