Chad Borja

Chad Borja

Chad Borja is one of the bigger singing sensations to come out of the Philippines in the late 80’s. Having been part of several bands all over Cebu and Manila, Borja has had the opportunity to tour with a couple of these bands to Guam, Malaysia and Singapore as well. One of the first bands Borja was part of happens to be The New Minstrels band whom he rekindled with over 25 years later and currently has a number of shows booked with them - the start of which have already been sold out.

While Borja has always had music in his blood, unfortunately there was something else in him that would possibly have lead him to give up singing entirely, thyroid cancer. Borja was at his peak when the illness was detected and diagnosed, and despite the disease being controllable, he was unsure what it would mean for his music career. Thankfully, Borja pulled through all of the treatment and went on to continue singing with a band after his 12 year hiatus, hardly missing a beat.


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